Thursday, March 26, 2020

Happy Thursday!

Language – learning goal for the week: review/learn short vowel sounds. 
Activity: students will learn the song for short o and complete the pages 5-6 from the language print outs. 
Mrs. Bancud's video: Short O Sound
Extra: if your child has stickers at home, instruct your child to put the stickers on short words. This is an example where the child is using the sticker on his name, but since we are working on short words, please write short o vowel words for your child to put the sticker on.

Math – learning goal: compare lengths of objects.
Mrs. Padovan's video: Measuring Length
Activity: students will use strings of different lentgh and do the following:
  •  Place different-length strings on the table.
  • Have your child or pick a string and try to find an object around the house that is longer, shorter, and about the same lenght. Students can repeat the activity using a different length of string.
Tell your child that we can put two objects side by side, for example, on a tabletop, and see which “sticks out” farther. When we measure height, we measure things that stand up (e.g., table leg).
UOI – learning goal: sort the objects by whether or not they have wheels.
Mrs. Padovan's video: Sorting Modes of Transportation
Activity: page 2 from the UOI package/print out. 

PE with Ms. V!

Hello everyone!

I hope you all enjoyed the workout video I had created for all of you! I’d love to see some photos or videos, and I will try to include my puppy Jay in more of my videos and posts!

Today’s task for PE is your choice as I prepare the next YouTube video!

Choose from the list below, or get creative and use your imagination today!

  1. Ms. V’s Workout Video -
  2. A video from “Little Sports” -
  3. Cosmic Kids Yoga -
  4. Use your creativity and imagination!

*Don’t forget to fill out your activity logs and send me updates via or on WhatsApp 905-617-2577


The Phys-Ed team (myself, Mr. Orr and Mr. Beresford) have decided to run a competition amongst all students at SJA! Each Wednesday there will be a physical challenge that ends the following Tuesday. If a photo or video is sent to me, you automatically get 100 house points!! On Tuesday next week, we will be choosing a winner from JK-2, 3-6, 7-10. The winner will be chosen based on your ability to properly do the skill and how long you do the skill for. The winner will get 1000 house points!

This week’s challenge is the plank! JK-2 may try the “bird dog”. Try to do a plank for 60 seconds!! You can start with 10 seconds today, try 20 seconds tomorrow, and work your way up to a minute!

Check out my example:



I loved seeing the pictures of the musical instruments that you made at home!  Today for music class we will begin by:

1. Clapping Food Rhythms.  For example, clap "ta, ta" and say "Ice cream" and clap,"ta, titi" and say "hamburger." The last row of rhythms clap "tika tika ti ti" and say "pepperoni pizza". Next class I will send you a video where you can watch me clap these rhythms and you can clap with me! 

2. Practice singing along to your favourite "Frozen 2" songs or "Disney" songs, or a song of your choice with the new instrument that you made.  Have fun keeping in time to the music.

3. With chalk go outside and draw some of the following rhythms on the sidewalk or driveway.  Have fun! If you do not have chalk you can practice drawing your rhythms on paper with crayon or marker, or make your music notes with playdough.  

Next music class you will be able to sing along to my you tube video for you to sing some of your favorite songs with me at home!


Bonjour! Hi friends! To start off, we are going to do some review. Watch this video: Can you tell me what each of the words are? I have added some new ones. Make sure to practice them! 🙂

Now, students can enjoy a little game that I made on the Powerpoint to practice previous vocabulary. Make sure to play the game in full screen and follow the instructions carefully. Please check out the link here:

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