Thursday, September 5, 2019

Happy 2nd day of school!

Wow, what a progress! JKs are learning quickly how to line up and walk quietly on the hallway, we are still working on changing shoes, but I have noticed a great progress today! 
Awesome job kiddos! Parents, thank you so much for the quick drop offs! It helps a lot!

Morning circle time – we had our special helper of the day doing our calendar, we sang our morning songs, then added one more popcorn to our 100th Day of school counting.
Snack – JKs were encouraged to eat a healthy snack.

French class: please visit Mme. Jessica’s blog

Recess and Lunch

Language: we watched a 5 minute story which dealt with friendship and how can we be good friends. Then we talked about what makes a great classroom.
Name activity: students used stickers to put on their names. Next, they tried to write their names on the small white board.

Recess and Lunch
Gym class: please visit Ms. V’s blog

Music class: please visit Ms. McMillan’s blog
We finished off the day playing with blocks.

Have a great evening everyone!

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